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The Muse Writers Center is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and your tax-deductible donation will help us continue to grow and serve the Hampton Roads literary community, including offering scholarships and tuition help as well as through our outreach programs to youth, seniors, and the military community.

Who We Are

The Muse Writers Center celebrates creative writing and the literary arts throughout Hampton Roads, Virginia, the nation, and beyond. We offer in-person, online, and hybrid creative writing classes, workshops, and seminars in every genre (fiction, poetry, nonfiction, screenwriting, songwriting, and comic book writing, as well as craft and professional development) for beginning and experienced writers--whether they be adults, children, or teens. In our Norfolk literary center, we house a library and space for writers to work and meet. We host diverse and culturally relevant literary events, readings, open mics, and special events at The Muse, around the region, and online for every audience. We never turn anyone away from a class because of their financial situation and have provided tuition help and scholarships to more than 4,000 people. Our engaging and creative outreach to youth and schools, senior living communities, and the military community is always expanding.  More about us →

Our Students Say

I think the Muse is brilliant and that Norfolk/Hampton Roads is unbelievably fortunate to have this resource. And that I am beyond fortunate to have the opportunity to be part of it, for which I am incredibly grateful for the Muse’s generosity in allowing me to participate in spite of my current state of very limited income.

Coming around the Muse is the most ‘at home’ I’ve felt in a long time. So glad you all are around.

The Muse keeps me afloat, and is the best community I’ve ever found. Thank you.

The Muse is the place where I can open my mind and let my thoughts out, since I can’t do that anywhere else, like in school. It’s more of a creative place where there are other people like me, and I can share my opinions and views and get feedback as well. I have definitely improved my poetry, and also I have started getting into screenwriting, and the classes give me short story ideas. I want a career as a writer; I aspire to be a professional author and poet.

Thanks for creating an outlet and community for something I’ve always wanted to do. I especially appreciate the rigor that The Muse provides. I’m always impressed by the caliber of the instructors and my fellow students. Keep up the good work!

The Muse is an amazing place and the fact that it is available even when I can’t afford to pay speaks to the true support of writing and all creativity. It is a quality place, and I am learning so much.

Welcome to The Muse!



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