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Youth Classes Summer 2021


The Muse is excited to offer a number of insightful classes, workshops, and seminars for youth writers this Summer!

Youth Director Remy Smidt discusses this Summer’s Youth Classes!

The Young Writers Workshop is taught by Songwriter Skye Zentz, Poet Kindra McDonald, and Writers Susan Deutsch and Remy Smidt. This Workshop is geared toward children ages 7-9 and will lead them through exercises that will allow them to engage their creativity.

Skye Zentz discusses the Young Writers Workshop


Teen Writing Level 1: Creative Writing is taught by Jessica Kelley and Sierra Foltz and will explore the fundamentals of craft and will ground the student in the language and techniques necessary to take their writing to the next level! 

What will you do in this class?
  • Great Beginnings: Students learn what makes a story’s first page pop by writing an opening “hook”.
  • Killin’ the Villain: students get to create a complex villain while learning the basics of characterization.
  • (If students are interested in fantasy) The Rules of Magic: we study different types of magic systems, and students get the opportunity to build their own magic system.
  • (if students are not interested in fantasy) Let’s write a fight scene: Students get to learn how to write their own action scene in class

Jessica Kelley discusses what she covers in her Teen Writers Workshop classes

Sierra Foltz discusses the Poetry portion of Teen Writers Level 1


“Writers in Action” Teen Workshopis taught by Sierra Foltz and Susan Deutsch will provide the space for students to hone their skills and share work in an energized environment.

Sierra Foltz discusses what you can expect in Writers in Action


Teen Writing Level 2: Writing Workshop is taught by Remy Smidt (prose) and Jeffrey Hecker (poetry). In this class, teen students will encounter the model that serves as the basis for writing at the college and graduate level: The Workshop! **Our Level 1 Class or another Muse class with approval from Remy is a pre-requisite to this class.

Writing the College Application Essay is taught by Cristina Foss and is intended to help high school students learn how to develop an effective essay for their college admission applications.

Cristina Foss discusses her “Writing the College Application Essay” Seminar


See a full catalog of our Summer classes, workshops, and seminars and register HERE.

***Tuition assistance and flexibility is available to all who request it, no questions asked. Just select the “I want to talk about tuition assistance” box when checking out!