Teacher Feature: Sheila Arnold
“Remember that when someone hears your story, it is hard for them to be your enemy.” -Sheila Arnold
Take one of Sheila’s Classes: Storytelling: The Stories Inside Us, Healing the Sting, and Storytelling Next: Taking Your Story Further!
If you are a person who would like to learn more about how to tell a story – personal or other types – then these classes are for you. The beginner might want to start with the overview of storytelling and have the chance to step their toe in the story waters with “Storytelling: The Stories Inside Us.”
If you want your stories to help springboard our community and nation to civil and true conversations which can lead to reconciliation, you will want to taking “Healing the Sting.”
If you want to move your stories to being instruments of change, if you want a way to share your voice where you can be heard and want to take your stories further, then you will want to take “Storytelling Next: Taking Your Story Further.”
In all of Sheila’s classes, you will hear stories, create stories and have the opportunity to present.
Sheila is the Supportive Lover of Storytelling – She will help you rise in this discipline and teach you to love it along the well.
Sheila’s Favorite Authors:
- Nikki Giovanni
- Ernest Gaines
- Octavia Butler
Sheila’s Favorite Storytellers:
- Bil Lepp
- Minton Sparks
- Charlotte Blake-Alston
- Carmen Deedy
Learn more about Sheila here, on her website, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook!