Teacher End of Meeting Form Please complete after EVERY session of your class.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Date and Time of Class Meeting *DateTimeName *Your Email AddressClass Title and Meeting # *List students who were absentWhat type of class *In PersonVirtualHybridHow many in-person students present? *How many Virtual students present? *Anything to report?Tell us how the class is going? Any concerns or questions? Write ALL GOOD if not.Subject of Meeting *What was the specific craft or writer development subject of your class. (If workshop - What subjects came up).Goals *What were the craft or writer development goals of your class?Practical Application/Activites *What activities did you implement to teach your lesson in this class?If this is the last session of your class will you send out this survey to your students?YES!Submit https://the-muse.org/the-muse-student-survey-page/