Outreach Program HOST & Community Partner Feedback Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Organization *Your name *Position *Email *I am submitting feedback for:Youth Outreach Program for Teens or Young WritersSenior Outreach ProgramMilitary Outreach ProgramCommunity class or workshopA Muse event you hostedDates of Programs *Names of Muse staff, instructors or volunteers:(Or general descriptions, if you can't remember names.)The location of the program: *How many participants attended the program? *Please rate our professionalism * 12345 (1) Poor to (5) Excellent1(1) Poor to (5) Excellent 12(1) Poor to (5) Excellent 23(1) Poor to (5) Excellent 34(1) Poor to (5) Excellent 45(1) Poor to (5) Excellent 5 Please rate the positivity of our impact on you or your group * 12345 (1) Poor (5) Excellent1(1) Poor (5) Excellent 12(1) Poor (5) Excellent 23(1) Poor (5) Excellent 34(1) Poor (5) Excellent 45(1) Poor (5) Excellent 5 Would you recommend this program to another colleague? *YesNoMaybeThe BEST part about this program was: *Something about this program that could be improved was: *Additional NotesComments, questions, concerns, general musings... we love to hear your thoughts!Submit