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Attention creative writing teens of Hampton Roads! Musings is accepting submissions until June 14!

If you are a writer between the ages of 13-19 living in the 757, we want you! 

Have you ever wanted to get published? 

Submissions for our in-house literary zine Musings are open now


We accept submissions of:

  • Prose
  • Poetry
  • Visual art
  • Photography

Guidelines for each genre are below. The theme for this issue is Retrogradeyou may follow this as literally or as loosely as you’d like- we are open to reading anything!

The deadline for submissions is TBD. Fill out the form below to submit. You may submit once in each category; please fill out the form separately for each submission. Please only submit work that has not been published before. We hope to see your work soon!




  • Submissions are blind! DO NOT include your name or any identifying information in the submission document itself (no MLA headings!)
  • Title should be formatted as NameOfPiece_Genre → EX: GhostStations_Fiction
    • Include a short bio (nothing fancy, just a sentence or two about yourself!) written in third-person.
    • All prose (fiction and nonfiction) must be MAX 1250 words (750 and under is preferred)
  • Submit writing as a PDF or .doc ONLY!


Prose: Fiction and nonfiction submissions must be a maximum of 1250 words; 750 words or under is preferred.

Poetry: You may submit up to three poems, each 35 lines or fewer. Submit all poems in one document and start each poem on a new page. File types accepted: PDF

Visual art and photography: Submit a high-quality image (min. file size 1.5 mb) of your art. Please note that dimensions may need to be modified in order to fit the format of the page. 

  • Art will not be printed in color
  • Email all visual arts submissions to
  • Do not use the embedded file upload. File types accepted: .png, .jpeg, .jpg 

Please let us know if you want your art submission to be considered for featuring on the cover of this zine. Cover image will be printed in color. Dimensions may need to be modified.

We want your work — don’t let technological difficulties get in the way! If the embedded form does not accept your submission, please make sure that your file is one of the accepted file types for your genre. If problems continue, please email your submission to with the subject title Musings Submission. In the body, include all the information the form asks for and attach your submission. 

If the hyperlink does not work, try copying and pasting this link:

We can’t wait to read your submissions!

Welcome to The Muse!



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