Host End of Shift Report:
Please please please fill this out before you leave! Thank you!
If the form is UNABLE TO SUBMIT, CLOSE the entire browser and try again. (Red X in the top right-hand corner.)
People-counting tips: We do not count visitors who come in for classes/events and immediately leave. Visitors only get counted if they come in early or stay after to use the center (chatting with hosts counts). Visitors do not include delivery people unless they stop to chat/ask about writing or The Muse. You CAN count hosts/volunteers/staff.
Updates from Staff:
Hi all!
Please check out the March schedule and let me know if you need to make any changes! Feel free to drop/pick up shifts.
We are in need of Saturday hosts, I have spots open 1-4 and 10-1 every other week.
Reminder: Text Dusti at 757-705-2215 or use the group text if you need to drop a shift.
Contact info for the police officer on our beat: Chuck Dreer 757-353-1268 you can call or text him. This is for NON EMERGENCY issues that might come up. For an emergency, please call 911.
Thanks for all you do!
Library Checkout Procedure:
Check that the client is a member. To do so, see if they are listed on THIS PAGE. All members are automatically added when they sign up.
If they are not a member, refer them to our Giving and Membership page to sign up as a member. Non-members can not check out books from the library. But they are more than welcome to read them within the building.
Log into Libib using the Host email (hint:Gatsby) and Host password.
(This information should be posted physically on the computer if you don't know it offhand.)
Once on Libib, click Lending. Type in the item they would like to borrow under Lending Item and their name under Patron. Then click Checkout.
If the member's name does not show up under Patron, click the Patrons tab and see if they are in the list of members there. If they are not, they have not been added to the Libib system. You can add them to the system by clicking Add Patron.
Have them fill out the form, leaving Tags and Patron ID blank. Click Add Patron.
Then return to Lending and try again.
Optional To-Do's!
Hosting? Bored? Want to stay busy? Here's some random tasks you could help with!
Find cool stuff! Search the internet for writing-related articles, graphics, jokes, quotes, or interviews. We can use these for our social media! Send your findings to Dusti via the Host Landing Page or
- Engage with our social media accounts! (Any and all engagement helps us get our names out there!)
- Twitter - Visit our Twitter account at and engage with our account. Follow, like posts, retweet, comment, share, or tag us in writing/reading related posts.
- Instagram - Visit our Insta account at and engage with our account. Follow, like posts, repost, comment, share, or tag us in writing related posts.
- Tiktok - Visit our Tiktok account at and engage with our account. Follow, watch our videos, like posts, repost, comment, share, or tag us in writing related posts.
- Find cool content for The Muse to post to social media. This can include
- Search The Muse Writers Center on Google and leave a five-star review! While you're there, go ahead and like some of the other reviews
- Take pictures for The Muse's social media --guests, hosts, classes, the center, cool things. (Email pictures to (or text them if you have my number!))
- Put QR codes on the back of Muse stickers/merchandise. (QR codes are located in the front desk drawers.)
Leave our staff a message:
If staff is present in the building, ask the caller to hold. Then ask the staff if they are available to take a call.
If they are not, fill out the below form.