This Fall - Get Your Workshop On! workshops for all writers The Monday Night Poetry Workshopled by Bridget Dolan - online or in person! Fiction Fundamentalsall writing levels welcome - online or in person! The Revision Workshop6 meetings - online and in person! Fiction Workshop in the Morningled by Alicia Dekker - online or in person! Short Story Workshopled by Lydia Netzer - online or in person! Draft Collab: A Workshop for Writers with a Manuscript to Finishled by Nathan Kelley - online or in person! The Saturday Poetry Workshopled by Tina Carey - online or in person! The Online Fiction Workshopled by Amanda Marie Gipson - 6 meetings Horror Workshopled by Holly Day - online! workshop for writers with workshop experience Poetry 4X4 Workshopled by Jorge Mendez - online! The Screenwriting WorkshopA workshop for screenwriters - online or in person! Nonfiction in a Flashflash nonfiction workshop - online or in person! Poetry 4X4 Workshopled by Jorge Mendez- online! Fiction 4X4 Workshopled by Cassandra Clarke - online! YA Writers Workshopled by Erin Beaty - online! Flash Nonfiction in the Morningflash nonfiction workshop - online! Fiction 4X4 Workshopled by Cassandra Clarke - online! Memoir 4X4 Workshopled by Kathleen Volk Miller - online! Romance Workshop in Morningled by Wendy Higgins - online or in person! Songwriting Workshopled by Skye Zentz - online! Memoir 4X4 Workshopled by James Beardsley - online! workshops for fun and creativity Essay Exploration6 meetings - online or in person! Write Now!6 fun and creative online meetings! Writing The Thingfor all poets - online or in person! workshop for advanced writers The Monday Night Poetry Studioled by Noah Renn - online or in person! The Fiction Studio on Tuesday Nightsled by Lydia Netzer - online or in person! The Memoir Workshop in the Morningled by Lisa Cooper - online! Please leave this field empty Welcome to The Muse! READY TO WRITE? HAVE THE MUSE SEND YOU CLASSES, TIPS, & TRICKS STRAIGHT TO YOUR MAILBOX: First name Email Address * This field is required. We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for more info. You’ve been successfully subscribed to our newsletter!