Calendar Color Guide
In Person Events & Classes
Online Events & Classes
Hybrid Events & Classes
Calendar of Events
S Sun
M Mon
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F Fri
S Sat
1 event,
Are you a young adult, college student or otherwise, looking to meet fellow writers? Then join us every2nd and 4th Sunday from 4-6PM to write, socialize, and eat snacks. Each meeting will have a critique section, as well as time to write and share. Open to anyone 18-25 interested in any form of creative writing.…
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1 event,
Write Now! at Slover Library
Write Now! at Slover Library
Find The Muse and WRITE NOW! Do you wonder if you can write? Have you always wanted to write a story? Are you looking for a little inspiration? Do you need a little creative motivation? Well, we believe that everyone has a story and everyone can write it. You just need some inspiration and motivation!…
1 event,
Wednesday Wordsmiths!
Wednesday Wordsmiths!
Unlock your creative potential with the Wednesday Wordsmiths at The Muse Writers Center! Join us every Wednesday from 5-7pm for an inspiring and collaborative writing experience. Whether you're a seasoned wordsmith or just starting your literary journey, our group welcomes all. Bring your latest writings to share with fellow enthusiasts, or dive into our engaging…
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3 events,
Queer Writers Meet-up @ Eleanor’s NFK
Queer Writers Meet-up @ Eleanor’s NFK
Calling all queer writers! Join us every first Saturday in person at Eleanor's Norfolk from 10-11. This is a space to meet up with other local creatives, meet new friends, and talk all things writing. Looking to get some words on the page? Come to our Rainbow Write-in at the Muse every third Tuesday. Co-hosted…
Fantastical Worlds: A Writing Group for Speculative Fiction
Fantastical Worlds: A Writing Group for Speculative Fiction
Speculative fiction is an umbrella genre of fiction that encompasses all the subgenres that depart from realism, or strictly imitating everyday reality, instead presenting fantastical, supernatural, futuristic, or other imaginative realms. Does this describe your writing? If so, come join us for our monthly speculative fiction writers gathering! A unique blend of craft talk, brain…
757 Comic and Cartoon Creators
757 Comic and Cartoon Creators
757 Comic and Cartoon Creators is a community group for local artists, specifically those interested in creating comics and animation. Currently, we meet every other Saturday from 530pm-830pm. Looking for feedback on your current project? Want to network or maybe collaborate with another creator? Searching for some like-minded creatives to chat with? Need a space…
1 event,
Drema Deoraich Book Launch
Drema Deoraich Book Launch
Join The Muse Writers Center for a reading by Drema Deoraich from her new novel, Fallen: The Founder's Seed, Book 1. After the reading, there will be a Q&A and book signing. This event will be held in person at The Muse and copies of the book will be available for purchase. Those who are…
1 event,
4 events,
Fiction 1: Learning to Write Fiction (Mornings)
Writers Zoom Meet-Up
Writers Zoom Meet-Up
Join The Muse on the first Tuesday of each month* for our monthly Writers Zoom Meet-Up, an informal get-together where writers from anywhere in the world enjoy conversation, camaraderie, and discussion about what we're working on. Breakout rooms by genre will be available. Let's get together and build connections with other writers and learn more…
Fiction 1: Learning to Write Fiction (Evenings)
3 events,
The Fiction Studio Wednesday Mornings
Poetry 1: Learning to Write Poetry (Mornings)
Wednesday Wordsmiths!
Wednesday Wordsmiths!
Unlock your creative potential with the Wednesday Wordsmiths at The Muse Writers Center! Join us every Wednesday from 5-7pm for an inspiring and collaborative writing experience. Whether you're a seasoned wordsmith or just starting your literary journey, our group welcomes all. Bring your latest writings to share with fellow enthusiasts, or dive into our engaging…
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2 events,
Writers Coffee Break
Writers Coffee Break
Join us for our monthly 1st Friday Writers Coffee Breaks at Cafe Stella in Ghent! At these informal get-togethers, area writers and Muse teachers, students, and friends enjoy conversation and camaraderie over a (perhaps much needed) coffee break. Each month will be hosted by different Muse teachers, who will be available to answer questions from…
Synnika Lofton presents: Poems For The People
Synnika Lofton presents: Poems For The People
Come out for a stimulating evening of word-working with Jorge Mendez, CJ X Pression, Tim Seibles, Tonie Sheeley, Catherine Fletcher. Hosted by Synnika Lofton.
1 event,
Projects, Passions, and Possibilities Writing Group
Projects, Passions, and Possibilities Writing Group
The All About You Writing Group: Projects, Passions, and Possibilities A Roundtable discussion open to all writers and generated by the interests of the participants to exchange and spread information. Peers describe current Projects and what they need or want to help them Update and Upgrade their work. No project at the time? Writers can describe the…
2 events,
Are you a young adult, college student or otherwise, looking to meet fellow writers? Then join us every2nd and 4th Sunday from 4-6PM to write, socialize, and eat snacks. Each meeting will have a critique section, as well as time to write and share. Open to anyone 18-25 interested in any form of creative writing.…
1 event,
The Fiction Studio (Monday Evenings)
The Fiction Studio (Monday Evenings)
The Fiction Studio continues with returning members and new members with professional fiction workshop experience. We will actively write and revise original short stories and chapters of novels as well as consider various aspects of the creative and professional life of the fiction writer. All members of the group will have the opportunity to submit…
4 events,
Fiction 1: Learning to Write Fiction (Mornings)
Kids & Teens Write Now! at Slover Library
Kids & Teens Write Now! at Slover Library
Find The Muse and WRITE NOW! Do you wonder if you can write? Have you always wanted to write a story? Are you looking for a little inspiration? Do you need a little creative motivation? Well, we believe that everyone has a story and everyone can write it. You just need some inspiration and motivation!…
Fiction 1: Learning to Write Fiction (Evenings)
4 events,
Wednesday Wordsmiths!
Wednesday Wordsmiths!
Unlock your creative potential with the Wednesday Wordsmiths at The Muse Writers Center! Join us every Wednesday from 5-7pm for an inspiring and collaborative writing experience. Whether you're a seasoned wordsmith or just starting your literary journey, our group welcomes all. Bring your latest writings to share with fellow enthusiasts, or dive into our engaging…
Shut Up & Write Drop-in Session
Shut Up & Write Drop-in Session
Need a little mid-week motivation to pick up your pen? Join us every second Wednesday in person at the Muse for this drop-in writing session. No experience with writing or the Muse necessary! Open to any and all looking for a little slice of time dedicated to writing -- this is a lovely, low-pressure way…
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2 events,
The Muse Neighborhood Jam
The Muse Neighborhood Jam
Join us on the 2nd Friday of each month for an evening where everyone is welcome to make music, sing, read, laugh, or just hang out and listen. This is not an open mic with a sign-up list. The Muse Jam is more fun! We'll alternate between individual-led and collaborative performance and pure unplugged jams.…
The Princess Bride at The Naro Expanded Cinema
The Princess Bride at The Naro Expanded Cinema
The Princess Bride comes to the Naro big screen for Flashback Friday on Friday, June 14, 2024. We’ll have plenty of boozy beverages available, with proceeds benefiting The Muse Writers Center's scholarship funds. As always, all alcohol sales are CASH only--please hit the ATM beforehand. We’ll also have plenty of other goodies, theater snacks, and…
3 events,
Little City Poets Meeting
Little City Poets Meeting
This monthly meet-up is a lively and productive session of prompts, sharing, and workshopping. Come be inspired to write, revise, and move closer to publication. This is a great opportunity for anyone who loves poetry and wants to share their work with others. This is a Hybrid club that meets on the third Saturday of…
757 Comic and Cartoon Creators
757 Comic and Cartoon Creators
757 Comic and Cartoon Creators is a community group for local artists, specifically those interested in creating comics and animation. Currently, we meet every other Saturday from 530pm-830pm. Looking for feedback on your current project? Want to network or maybe collaborate with another creator? Searching for some like-minded creatives to chat with? Need a space…
3 events,
A Page in the Life Memoir Group
A Page in the Life Memoir Group
Memoirists unite once a month at The Muse to spend an hour working on their memoirs. Come to share your life stories or just sit and listen. All are welcome. This club meets on the third Sunday of each month from 4-6pm. Virtual & In-Person! To join virtually, register here! For questions about this event,…
Scary Stories: Writing Club
Scary Stories: Writing Club
Do you write scary stories? Things that go bump in the night? Creepy crawlies, paranormal, dark forests, monsters, real life horrors, all are welcome. Come write with fellow horror writers, prompts will be available! Zoom link:
5 events,
Ghent Pride: Ghent Gives Back
Ghent Pride: Ghent Gives Back
Ghent Pride is an annual celebration of Pride month. Come join us for a fun evening of entertainment, music, art, and learn about the 10 non profits that Ghent Pride supports! For tickets:
6 events,
Fiction 1: Learning to Write Fiction (Mornings)
Fiction 3: Deeper into Voice & Revision (Mornings)
Rainbow Write-in with Eleanor’s Norfolk
Rainbow Write-in with Eleanor’s Norfolk
What's a rainbow write-in, you ask? Well, it's just like a regular write-in, but more colorful! Join us every 3rd Tuesday in person at the Muse or online to spark your creativity and get some words on the page. Stay for the entire two hours or just stop in for 10 minutes; this drop-in writing…
Fiction 3: Deeper into Voice & Revision (Evenings)
Fiction 1: Learning to Write Fiction (Evenings)
2 events,
The Fiction Studio Wednesday Mornings
Wednesday Wordsmiths!
Wednesday Wordsmiths!
Unlock your creative potential with the Wednesday Wordsmiths at The Muse Writers Center! Join us every Wednesday from 5-7pm for an inspiring and collaborative writing experience. Whether you're a seasoned wordsmith or just starting your literary journey, our group welcomes all. Bring your latest writings to share with fellow enthusiasts, or dive into our engaging…
1 event,
2 events,
Writers on Submission
Writers on Submission
“Writers on Submission” is a dedicated community of writers focused on the craft of writing and the submission process. Comprised of passionate individuals from various backgrounds and writing genres, the group serves as a supportive space for writers to hone their skills, share insights, and navigate the often-challenging world of manuscript submissions. Meet with fellow…
Norfolk Word Art Show
Norfolk Word Art Show
Welcome to the Norfolk Word Art Show! This monthly open mic takes place at The Muse Writers Center every third Friday, with a different featured performer each month to kick things off. Sign up to share any original written words - material from poets, songwriters, comedians, and playwrites. If you can write it, we would…
1 event,
Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of Hampton Roads Meeting
Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of Hampton Roads Meeting
NOW ONLINE! We're speculative fiction writers (science fiction, fantasy and more). We share our experiences and adventures in reading, writing, craft development and publishing with each other, and become better writers through it all. To become a member of this Group visit our Facebook group to find out more and join.
3 events,
Shannon Curtin Book Launch
Shannon Curtin Book Launch
Join The Muse Writers Center for a reading by Shannon Curtin from her new novel, Stay Center. After the reading, there will be a Q&A and book signing. This event will be held in person at The Muse and copies of the book will be available for purchase. About the book: Stay Center tells the…
Are you a young adult, college student or otherwise, looking to meet fellow writers? Then join us every2nd and 4th Sunday from 4-6PM to write, socialize, and eat snacks. Each meeting will have a critique section, as well as time to write and share. Open to anyone 18-25 interested in any form of creative writing.…
2 events,
The Fiction Studio (Monday Evenings)
The Fiction Studio (Monday Evenings)
The Fiction Studio continues with returning members and new members with professional fiction workshop experience. We will actively write and revise original short stories and chapters of novels as well as consider various aspects of the creative and professional life of the fiction writer. All members of the group will have the opportunity to submit…
Horror Writing Fundamentals
Horror Writing Fundamentals
A class for fiction writers looking to learn about something new
6 events,
Fiction 1: Learning to Write Fiction (Mornings)
Test Class 1
Test Class 1
Why do you think that she is a witch? He hasn't got stuff all over him. Well, I didn't vote for you. A newt? Look, my liege! I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough water! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your…
Write Now! at Slover Library
Write Now! at Slover Library
Find The Muse and WRITE NOW! Do you wonder if you can write? Have you always wanted to write a story? Are you looking for a little inspiration? Do you need a little creative motivation? Well, we believe that everyone has a story and everyone can write it. You just need some inspiration and motivation!…
Fiction 1: Learning to Write Fiction (Evenings)
The Poetry Studio (Tuesday Evening)
The Poetry Studio (Tuesday Evening)
An advanced workshop for professional poets
3 events,
Wednesday Wordsmiths!
Wednesday Wordsmiths!
Unlock your creative potential with the Wednesday Wordsmiths at The Muse Writers Center! Join us every Wednesday from 5-7pm for an inspiring and collaborative writing experience. Whether you're a seasoned wordsmith or just starting your literary journey, our group welcomes all. Bring your latest writings to share with fellow enthusiasts, or dive into our engaging…
4 events,
Speculative Fiction Studio
1 event,
Open Mic Night at The Muse!
Open Mic Night at The Muse!
Come share your stories, poetry, songs and more at The Muse's monthly open mic! Hosted by Dusti Connelley and Tina Carey every 4th Friday. 5 minute time slots, sign ups at the door. Come to share or just listen!
3 events,
757 Comic and Cartoon Creators
757 Comic and Cartoon Creators
757 Comic and Cartoon Creators is a community group for local artists, specifically those interested in creating comics and animation. Currently, we meet every other Saturday from 530pm-830pm. Looking for feedback on your current project? Want to network or maybe collaborate with another creator? Searching for some like-minded creatives to chat with? Need a space…
1 event,
6 events,
Fiction 1: Learning to Write Fiction (Mornings)
Fiction 3: Deeper into Voice & Revision (Mornings)
Writers Zoom Meet-Up
Writers Zoom Meet-Up
Join The Muse on the first Tuesday of each month* for our monthly Writers Zoom Meet-Up, an informal get-together where writers from anywhere in the world enjoy conversation, camaraderie, and discussion about what we're working on. Breakout rooms by genre will be available. Let's get together and build connections with other writers and learn more…
Fiction 1: Learning to Write Fiction (Evenings)
Screenwriting 2: Getting Your Script on Its Feet
Fiction 3: Deeper into Voice & Revision (Evenings)
3 events,
The Fiction Studio Wednesday Mornings
Wednesday Wordsmiths!
Wednesday Wordsmiths!
Unlock your creative potential with the Wednesday Wordsmiths at The Muse Writers Center! Join us every Wednesday from 5-7pm for an inspiring and collaborative writing experience. Whether you're a seasoned wordsmith or just starting your literary journey, our group welcomes all. Bring your latest writings to share with fellow enthusiasts, or dive into our engaging…