Saturday, August 7, 2021 @ 10:00 am EDT - 12:30 pm EDT
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Where Do I Begin?
So, if you’re like me, you have twenty different ideas about a hundred different stories that have been told a million times. That said, whether in a long piece of fiction or a short personal essay, there are specific tools writers use to begin a story. Likewise, the reader needs to follow you, and they, too, come to your story with their own ideas, stories, and past experiences. Essentially, we want our readers to care enough about our story to not only read it, but read it again, tell a friend, and build an audience of readers. In order to do that, we want to hook them at the beginning.
Please note: This class or event will be held online (using Zoom or a similar live platform). To participate, students or attendees should have a stable internet connection. Class participants: you should have a computer or device with a webcam and microphone; and your Zoom link will be automatically sent to you after you register. Check your spam box if you don't see it.