Sundays, Oct 17 - Oct 17
1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Apply for Tuition Assistance here
To Joy
In a recent interview, to answer the question “how can we be joyful in a moment like this?” — poet Ross Gay said “It is joy by which the labor that will make the life that I want, possible. It is not at all puzzling to me that joy is possible in the midst of difficulty. …There’s [also] some kind of tenderness that might be possible — not always gonna happen, because I might just get scared and do something else. But there’s the potential, I think, for some kind of tenderness.”
In this workshop, we’ll read and write with intention, and bring ourselves in conversation with poets/poems that give permission to explore the idea of joy in the midst of sorrow, violence, complexity: how is it possible? how could it be not “a luxury or a privilege?”
Please note: This class or event will be held online (using Zoom or a similar live platform). To participate, students or attendees should have a stable internet connection. Class participants: you should have a computer or device with a webcam and microphone; and your Zoom link will be automatically sent to you after you register. Check your spam box if you don't see it.