Sundays, Jul 24 - Jul 24
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Apply for Tuition Assistance here
The Short-Short Playwriting Project 2022
Submission Closed.
A play goes through many phases before it hits the page and then the stage. This project will help guide 6 aspiring playwrights through the very early processes of developing a play. The playwrights selected will take an idea for a play and participate in a six- -session playwriting workshop to learn the basics of playwriting and develop a short-short play script. When the script is complete, a director will be assigned to work with the writer to cast the play and rehearse for a staged reading with scripts in hand of all plays at The Little Theater Norfolk.
All plays written in this workshop will be one-acts of 10 – 15 minutes with casts of no more than 4 and one set. The workshop will be taught by Jean Klein, an internationally produced playwright, playwriting faculty member in the Maslow MA and MFA in Creative Writing Program at Wilkes University, and owner of a dramatic publishing company, HaveScripts/Blue Moon Plays, LLC.
If you are interested in being a part of this exciting project, please submit below. There is no cost for any part of this project for the selected playwrights.
Submit one idea (1 – 2 paragraphs) for a short play meeting the above requirements. You may submit up to three different ideas for consideration. There will be no more than six seats in this class. Accepted playwrights will be announced on July 10th
7/10/22 Announce Selected Playwrights
7/24/22 Workshop #1
7/31/22 Workshop #2
8/7/22 Workshop #3
8/14/22 Workshop #4 (Character list and Synopsis Due)
8/21/22 Workshop #5
8/28/22 Workshop#6 (Final Draft due)
9/4/22 Playwrights meet with directors
9/16/17/18/22 Production
Please note: This class or event is in-person and will be held at our center.