Saturday, March 20, 2021 @ 10:00 am EDT - 12:30 pm EDT
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The Nuts and Bolts of Scrivener
Scrivener is a streamlined and user friendly word processor that offers more to the writer than Microsoft Word or Mac Pages ever could. It’s designed for writing projects. You can organize your books, chapters, short stories, scenes, character sheets, setting descriptions, outlines, and anything else you can think of all in one easy-to-access document, which allows you to seamlessly switch between each element. To use the program to its full capacity, new users to the program need to know where to start. And experienced users are often unaware of the near-limitless customization and treasure trove of advanced features available to them. Combining visual and hands-on exercises, this seminar will teach you the basics of this amazing program and allow your writing projects to soar. This is for people with little to no experience in Scrivener. Participants must own a copy of Scrivener, to be brought to the meeting on a laptop. The program is available on the App Store, Microsoft Marketplace, and via their website: www.literatureandlatte.com.
Please note: This class is an online class. To participate, students must have a stable internet connection with a computer or device with a webcam and microphone.