Wednesdays, Jul 15 - Jul 15
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Apply for Tuition Assistance here
Songwriting: The Lyrical Craft
Songwriting is an ancient form–one of the earliest means of passing on oral history. Over thousands of years, it has evolved into a many faceted art-form, a source of entertainment, catharsis or escapism. In this workshop, we will explore the songwriting process through listening, writing and editing. We will examine songs from a variety of genres and time periods to investigate what it is that makes a song “stick” with us or not. Through both individual and collaborative efforts, we will explore fun new ways to think outside of the box. At the conclusion of our session, students will have the opportunity to perform their work in a Muse showcase if they choose. While basic music and writing experience is helpful, the course is open to people with or without any experience playing a musical instrument.
*Students under 18 must have a parent or legal guardian complete Student Release in order to participate in the class. Please review this document with your parent & have them sign & return to
Please note: This class is an online class. To participate, students must have a stable internet connection and a computer or device with a webcam and microphone.