Mondays, Nov 13 - Nov 13
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Apply for Tuition Assistance here
Science Fiction & Fantasy Workshop
Do you take your fiction with a side of aliens, superheroes, dragons, or witches? Then this is the workshop for you! Together we will consider those elements of writing which are crucial to crafting compelling speculative stories, such as building our own worlds, extrapolating the fantastic from reality, and creating compelling non-human characters. In addition to discussing classic and contemporary SFF works, you will participate in writing exercises and bring in your own work for critique. All members of the group will have the opportunity to submit material for the workshop. You will have at least two to three opportunities to be critiqued during the session.
Please note: This class or event will be held online (using Zoom or a similar live platform). To participate, students or attendees should have a stable internet connection. Class participants: you should have a computer or device with a webcam and microphone; and your Zoom link will be automatically sent to you after you register. Check your spam box if you don't see it.