Friday, April 22, 2022 @ 7:00 pm EDT - 8:00 pm EDT
Poetry as Ecology of Care: An Earth Day Reading and Conversation
Join The Muse for this special Earth Day reading featuring poets Tyree Daye, Padmapani Perez, Diane Woodcock, and Claire Wahmanholm in conversation with Luisa A. Igloria, Poet Laureate of Virginia. Poets will read from their work and tackle questions of how, as poets/writers and community advocates, they address the linked themes of ecopoetry/climate crisis, mental health, community, and care.
Register to attend live on Zoom
This event will be held live on Zoom and a recording will be available on the Muse Facebook page.
Poet Bios:
Tyree Daye is a poet from Youngsville, North Carolina, and a Teaching Assistant Professor at UNC-Chapel Hill. He is the author of two poetry collections River Hymns 2017 APR/Honickman First Book Prize winner and Cardinal from Copper Canyon Press 2020. http://www.tyree.work
An anthropologist by training and a writer at heart, Padmapani L. Perez is the Lead Strategist for Creative Collaboration of the Agam Agenda, the arts-science initiative of the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities. She is co-editor of Harvest Moon: Poems and Stories from the Edge of the Climate Crisis. https://agamagenda.com https://agamagenda.com/harvest-moon/
Diana Woodcock’s latest poetry collection is Facing Aridity, published in 2021 as a finalist for the 2020 Prism Prize for Climate Literature (Homebound Publications/Wayfarer Books). Holy Sparks (2020 Paraclete Poetry Prize finalist) is forthcoming in 2023. Recipient of the 2011 Vernice Quebodeaux Pathways Poetry Prize for Women for her debut collection, Swaying on the Elephant’s Shoulders, she currently teaches at VCUarts Qatar. https://qatar.vcu.edu/people/diane-g-woodcock
Claire Wahmanholm is the author of Wilder (Milkweed Editions 2018), Redmouth (Tinderbox Editions 2019), and the forthcoming Meltwater (Milkweed Editions 2023). Her work has appeared in Ninth Letter, Blackbird, Washington Square Review, Copper Nickel, and Beloit Poetry Journal, and has been featured by the Academy of American Poets. She is the recipient of a 2020 McKnight Fellowship, and lives in the Twin Cities. Find her online at clairewahmanholm.com.
This program of VA Poet Laureate Luisa A. Igloria was made possible with support from the Academy of American Poets, the Mellon Foundation, The Poetry Society of Virginia, and The Muse Writers Center.
Please note: This class or event will be held online (using Zoom or a similar live platform). To participate, students or attendees should have a stable internet connection. Class participants: you should have a computer or device with a webcam and microphone; and your Zoom link will be automatically sent to you after you register. Check your spam box if you don't see it.