Saturday, February 24, 2024 @ 10:00 am EST - 12:30 pm EST
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Fairy Tale Heroes
Creating a hero (protagonist) for a fairy tale is perhaps the most important part of the story process. What makes a hero relatable? A good hero is one we care about, root for, want to protect. But it is one thing to write a likable character and another to write a compelling character with whom we will want to follow through a fantastical journey. In this seminar class, we will explore the elements that give protagonists the compelling edge, drawing readers into the story from beginning to end.
Please note: This class or event is hybrid. Some attendees will be in-person and some will attend online. There may be a limited number of in-person seats available. If you are participating online (using Zoom or a similar live platform), students or attendees should have a stable internet connection. Class participants: you should have a computer or device with a webcam and microphone; and your Zoom link will be automatically sent to you after you register. Check your spam box if you don't see it.