Saturday, October 17, 2020 @ 7:00 pm EDT - 8:00 pm EDT
Bill Ayres Book Launch & Reading
Join us on Saturday, October 17 at 7pm EST to hear Bill Ayres read from his new book, What Passes for Wisdom! This virtual reading will be streamed LIVE here and on Facebook.
Bill Ayres has spent his life running or helping to run bookstores. It’s been fun. He’s been married to his wife, Gayle, for more than thirty years. That’s been even more fun. He’s studied at Virginia Wesleyan and at the MUSE writer’s center. His poems have been published in Commonweal, The Anglican Theological Review, Hoot, The Roanoke Review, Bird’s Thumb, Sow’s Ear, Jelly Bucket, Plainsongs, and a lot oof little magazines you’ve never heard of.
What Passes for Wisdom plays with proverbs, with cliches, asking which ones are good advice. It touches on love, religion, death. There’s a poem in which a goose questions the wisdom of migration. There’s a poem in which nitrogen complains it doesn’t get enough respect….