Saturdays, Sep 7 - Oct 12
1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
ASAP: Memoir Personal Essay
Beyond the bland thesis statements and five-paragraph structures of high school, the personal essay is a form full of play and possibility. In this six-week generative class, students will develop essay ideas and learn essential craft elements for telling their stories. We will discuss essay examples, write to prompts, and give and receive feedback on generated work. The goal is to learn, experiment, and gain confidence in writing personal stories in a safe and collaborative environment. By the end of class, students will have the opportunity to share their writing in ASAP’s Fall showcase.
This six-week class will meet on Saturdays: September 7, 14, 21, 28, October 5, 12. Each session is 2.5 hours.
This class has a graduation showcase on Monday, October 28, where participants can share their work with friends, family, and the community.
About the Instructor
Libby Kurz is a writer, nurse, and USAF veteran. She holds a BS in Nursing from
Please note: This class or event is in-person and will be held at our center.