Saturday, August 28, 2021 @ 10:00 am EDT - 12:30 pm EDT
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Alien Life on Exoplanets
In recent years astronomers have discovered over four thousand planets orbiting other stars in our galaxy, from just a few light-years away to halfway across the galactic disc. Many of these new worlds are types we had never imagined before, from the “roasters” orbiting their stars in just a few days to terrestrial planets with ten times Earth’s mass. Could there be life on these planets? What forms would it take, and would it even be anything we could recognize? In this Research for Writers seminar, we will survey the ever-increasing number of exoplanets and the methods used to detect them. We will explore the various new types of exoplanets, discuss their orbits and their composition, and then consider what forms of life may have evolved on them—and whether it bears any resemblance to the life we’re familiar with.
Please note: This class or event will be held online (using Zoom or a similar live platform). To participate, students or attendees should have a stable internet connection. Class participants: you should have a computer or device with a webcam and microphone; and your Zoom link will be automatically sent to you after you register. Check your spam box if you don't see it.